Kim Dawes
Yoga Instructor & Reiki Master

A Message from Kim
“Abandon weakness and ideas of impossibilities. Cling fast to faith in Divine possibilities.” Swami Sivananda
Yoga has been such an integral part of my life…allowing me space to deepen beliefs, to release fears, strengthen relationships with others and most importantly my faith in God. I first stepped into a yoga class many years ago at the YMCA after moving away from North Carolina. I was there just to try it out, but when I left that room, there was a feeling of peace, calm and space that has stuck with me ever since!
Many years have passed and thankfully as my family moved on, I stayed with a consistent yoga practice deepening the connection to my True Self yet staying rooted in my beliefs. I grew up on a 30 acre farm, with a lot of access to the beautiful crystal coast, in North Carolina with a family that taught and embodied love…left for college at 17 years old, and I didn’t look back. However, there’s a saying that “you don’t know where you came from until you leave” and I’ve found that so true.

I’ve always loved to be at the beach - sand, water, sun, moon, laughter, lightness, freedom - surrounded by family and friends. Everything comes alive in and around me at the beach! And when I’m on my mat, the same thing happens, I feel alive and free, ready to love and be loved! The gentle hands and hearts of my teachers made such a difference in my life at a time when feelings of loneliness and sadness overwhelmed me. Practicing yoga on and off the mat, has helped me turn my life around.
My hope is that more and more people will find their way into a yoga class to embrace the many principles of yoga. Although I'm forever a student, I would have never imagined being a "teacher" because I have always been afraid of speaking in front of people. But what yoga taught me is that when you dive deep within and live from your unique Divine purpose…absolutely nothing is impossible…nothing!
Please join me in the beauty and transformation that yoga can bring you and then allow it to be a ripple out back into the world like the waves of the ocean.
With love and light...

"Yoga is the journey of learning how to stand firmly planted in the waves of life." - Kim Dawes

Teaching Yoga for Modern Practitioners
White Lotus hOMe is hosting its advanced yoga teacher training at Grace Tree Yoga Studio 2022. Kim and her team of collaborative guest teachers bring an immense amount of experience and love of yoga to the greater Cincinnati region and beyond. This year-long immersion course is for personal & professional development. Weekend immersion sessions are in-person or online. A 4-day teacher retreat at Hope Springs Institute welcomes you mid-year, helping you go even deeper into yourself and your teaching career.